Fairy Cake

The cake table for Cosy Mae's 4th birthday party was fairy themed. I spent an evening making the sugarpaste head and body of the fairy, which I really enjoyed. The great thing about this is that you can do it well in advance as it will keep in a shoe box for a couple of weeks (or more). Just don't put it in a sealed container or it will melt due to the humidity. As I was pushed for time I kept the rest of the cake table quite simple. I used some flower cupcakes from my intermediate decorating class that I demoed the day before. I did a very simple & quick icing design on some butterfly, shortbread cookies. And I added some pretty party rings from the shop! The onl thing I wasn't thrilled with was the look of the fairies skirt. I let the kids help with it and as it was meringue frosting it really needed to be done quickly. Anyway they enjoyed doing it and it wasn't a total disaster as I think most people were looking at the top half! Next time I would do it in advance, on my own, to get that lovely swirly sheen. It should look more like satin. I'd let them do some cupcakes or something that was going to be less centre stage!


Healthy Granola


Pop Up Cake Stand at Expedia Company Event